Week 4

Hello Wide World,

The Week 4 assignment for my Intermediate Graphic Communication course was to create a word mark that described an artist or genre within the bounds of music using just the letters of a chosen typeface. I found this assignment very interesting and there was a lot more to it that what I first imagined. We (the class) were informed to really think about our choice and create accordingly. After much deliberation, I chose the music genre Steampunk. This is such an interesting and ever-changing genre, and it fascinated me instantly. In my research, I found that Steampunk is an evolving genre and lifestyle for many and it incorporates many different types of music. I really wanted to show it’s ever-changing nature within the design, so I thought about the inner workings of a clock – it’s constantly ticking and changing the time. I put my word mark on a bed of cogs and used the typeface Time to Get a Watch that I found on dafont.com. I hope you like it.

Created in Illustrator
Created in Illustrator


Week 2 and 3

Hello wide world,

Well for weeks two and three for my Intermediate Graphic Communications class we were asked to take a previous black/white or greyscale piece and color it with 3 colors selected by our professor. The hex code for my colors were #4B088A (purple), #5882FA (Blue), and #FFFF00 (Yellow). I have to admit that this was not my favorite color combo, but that just added an extra level of difficulty for me. It was a fun challenge to meet. I will say that taking a piece of artwork that I was previously happy with and then reworking it and recolouring it was so much harder than I expected. I found it much harder than starting from scratch, however, I think my end result looks better than my original. One thing that I found was that when adding color, the design needed to be toned down. The last thing I wanted was for my design to look like colorful throw up. I’m quite proud of how it turned out.


Hello Wide World

Hello all,

My name is Lauren Mitchell and this is my very first post on my very first website. I have to say this is somewhat of a daunting task to “break the ice” but here it goes. I am currently a full time graphic communication student and creating this website is my first assignment for my intermediate graphic communications class. This semester officially kicks off my senior year and I can now see the light at the end of my academic tunnel.  For now! It’s an exciting feeling! I have never done anything like this before – besides Facebook – so I’m going to ask you to bear with me while I get an idea on what I am doing. It is very nice to meet and talk to anyone who views this. Thank you for being here and please look around my site. I welcome any and all feedback and comments.